Aug 10, 2022
“Living in the Power and Promise of God’s Word”
Silencing Unbelief: Joshua 6:10, Many texts in God’s Word instruct us to “wait on God,” to stand still, to be silent before Him (Moses, Exodus. 14:13, 14; Jehoshaphat, 2 Chronicles. 20:15–17; David, Psalm. 37:7, 8). In this text, Joshua commands the children of Israel to maintain total silence as they walk around the city of Jericho. The memory that Israel’s 40-year punishment in the wilderness was a result of the people’s murmuring in unbelief was doubtless in Joshua’s mind. At that time, ten spies had returned with a negative report motivated by what man sees without Holy Spirit-given vision. Their unbelief that they could take the land had sealed their fate in the wilderness.